Professor and Distinguished University Scholar, Department of Language and Literacy Education
Bonny Norton is Professor and Distinguished University Scholar in the Department of Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia, Canada. She is also Honorary Professor in Applied English Language Studies, University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, and Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Education, King’s College, University of London. Her award-winning research addresses identity and language learning, education and development, and critical literacy. Recent publications include Identity and Language Learning (Longman/Pearson, 2000); Gender and English Language Learners (TESOL, 2004, w. A. Pavlenko); and Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning (Cambridge University Press, 2004, w. K. Toohey). She edited the 1997 special issue of TESOL Quarterly on “Language and Identity,” and co-edited (w. Y. Kanno) the 2003 > special issue of the Journal of Language, Identity, and Education on “Imagined Communities and Educational Possibilities.” In 2003, she was awarded a UBC Killam Prize for Excellence in Teaching.