Marisa Vorraber Costa

University of Rio Grande do Sul

Marisa Vorraber Costa is Professor of Teaching and Curriculum at UFRGS, where she teaches and researches Cultural Studies.  She is the author of two books: Teachers Work and Professionalism (1995) and Has the School a Future? (2003). She also has edited several books, including Investigative Ways – new glances in education research (1996), Elementary Schools in the Turn of the Century: culture, politics and curriculum (1996), Popular Education Today (1998), School Curriculum at the Borders of the Contemporaneous (1998), Cultural Studies in Education (2000), Investigative Ways II – new forms of thought and doing research in education (2002), Investigative Ways III – risk and possibilities of doing research in the borders (2005)and Teachers in the Cultural Policy (2006). Her current research work focuses on cultural artifacts regarding the relations between discourses and power.
