April 2, 2007
8:30 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. | St. John’s College, Social Lounge
Organized by Dr. Handel Kashope Wright and sponsored by UBC Associate Vice President of Equity, Tom Patch, and the UBC Equity Office, The David Lam Chair for Multicultural Education, the Centre for Culture, Identity and Education (CCIE).
This day-long symposium brought together UBC faculty, students and administers, along with leading experts in the field and members of the local community in order to explore both the possibilities and limitations of integrative anti-racism as an alternative discourse to multiculturalism. The symposium opened with remarks by UBC Associate Vice President Tom Patch, and CCIE Director and David Lam Chair Dr. Handel Kashope Wright. This was followed by a keynote address by Professor George Sefa Dei, who offered some critical points in theorizing “integrative anti-racism,” as well as drew attention to the pressing need for new questions. Dr. Leslie Roman then provided a response paper in which she spoke about the importance of relational genealogies as a crucial component of integrative anti-racism. In addition, the symposium featured panels on the intersection of indigeneity and anti-racism; anti-racist teacher education and classroom practice; UBC administration’s anti-racism efforts; and faculty and staff anti-racism activism.
Keynote Address: Professor George Dei
Response to the Keynote Address: Dr. Leslie Roman