The Inverted Gaze

October 25, 2011

4:00 p.m. | Neville Scarfe Building, Room 310, 2125 Main Mall, UBC

François Cusset, author of the acclaimed book French Theory, investigates the queering of the French literary canon by American writers and scholars in this thought-provoking and free-minded journey across six centuries of literary classics and sexual polemics. Cusset presents the foundations and rationale for American queer theory, the field of study established in the 1990s and promulgated by writers and scholars such as Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, and Michael Warner, which challenges a supposed “heteronormative” ideology in our culture. Bold in its themes and propositions, The Inverted Gaze is an extraordinary work about French literature and American queer politics by one of France’s most prominent intellectuals.

Sponsors: CCIE, Department of French, Hispanic, & Italian Studies, Women’s and Gender Studies, Critical Studies in Sexuality.
