Where are all the Black people? Join us at this webinar series on the underrepresentation of Black people in the academy. Each session will focus on a field or discipline.
June 23, 2021 9:30am – 11:00am PDT
Speakers: Dr. Veronica Fynn Bruey, Dr. Juliet Daniel
Description: Dr. Fynn Bruey and Dr. Daniel will speak from their journey and rich experiences in the academy, offer their insights about the challenges, and share their wisdom on the important topic.
Registration: https://ubc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lb725XX3Sb6XUkp5t6rDoQ
About the series: The presence of Blackness in Canadian academia exists on a continuum of underrepresented, significantly underrepresented, to negligible. The purpose of this speaker series is to foreground Black voices in fields where Blackness is particularly underrepresented, and provide actionable and measurable strategies to increase Black representation and Black excellence in these fields.