Lerato Chondoma hails from the Batuang Clan of ba ha Moletsane from Lesotho in Southern Africa. Lerato has more than 15 years’ combined experience in anti-racism, community-based research, economic and social development with Indigenous communities as well as employment equity law. As the Associate Director for the Indigenous Research Support Initiative at UBC, Lerato works to understand how systems, policy and procedure can support Indigenous research collaborations, alternative ways of knowing and being, and address systemic racism on individual and system-wide levels. Lerato serves on several committees both within and outside of UBC, including committee leadership appointments as Vice-Chair of the Racial and Ethno-Cultural Equity Advisory Committee to Vancouver City Council and Committee Chair for the Blackness Committee on the 2021 President’s Task Force on Anti-Racism and Inclusive Excellence at UBC. She also serves as a member of both the Indigenous Strategic Plan Implementation Committee and the Indigenous Strategic Plan Executive Advisory Committee overseeing the 2020 Indigenous Strategic Plan at UBC and is a board member of the Simpson Society working in the Vancouver Downtown Eastside, Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island.
Email lerato.chondoma@ubc.ca Website https://irsi.ubc.ca/about/people/lerato-chondoma-associate-director
Associate Director, Indigenous Research Support Initiative at University of British Columbia
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