No politics Zone – Educational reform in the Arab Gulf states (CIES 2021 panel)
- Organizer: Esraa Al-Muftah (Qatar University / University of British Columbia)
- The perpetual [gendered] crisis in education: A genealogical analysis of the desired ideal girl in (post)colonial Bahrain *Sara J.. Musaifer (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities)
- The political mechanisms of reforming educational systems in the Gulf region *Ibrahim Alhouti (UCL Institute of Education)
- Strategizing in higher education: A critical discourse analysis *Hadeel AlKhateeb (Qatar University)
- Academic mobility, between the past and the present: The case of Qatar University *Esraa Al-Muftah (Qatar University / University of British Columbia)
The Urgency of Black Studies and the Insufficiency of Anti-Racism
Professor Handel Kashope Wright delivers the keynote at the Virtual Symposium: Activism and Solidarity Post-Script to the “Scholar Strike Canada” on October 29, 2020. Keynote Title: “The Urgency of Black Studies and the Insufficiency of Anti-Racism”.
The Other Side of The Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope
The Cambridge Centre for Palestine Studies is inviting you to participate in a discussion on Revd. Dr. Munther Isaac’s most recent book: The Other Side of The Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope.
The potential for Black Studies programs in Canada
Provost’s Speaker Series on Systemic Racism
Date: October 23, 2020
Building Black Studies in Canada: Moving beyond Anti-Racism Courses
Andrea A. Davis, Associate Professor, Department of Humanities, and Special Advisor on Anti-Black Racism Strategy, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University
Did Someone Say Black British Columbia? Rough Autobiographical Notes on Blackness and the Prospects of Black Studies at UBC
Handel Kashope Wright, Professor, Faculty of Education, and Director, Centre for Culture, Identity and Education, UBC Vancouver