Watch: “Decolonizing Higher Education Internationally” (panel)
Decolonizing Higher Education Internationally
“The enduring educational challenges of setting horizons of hope beyond modern-colonial imaginaries” by Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti (UBC)
“What Does it Take to Decolonize Palestinian Higher Education? ” by André Elias Mazawi
“Youth Activism and Academia as Public Sphere” by Handel Kashope Wright.
Watch: We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: Closing Plenary – UBC Indigenous Initiatives
We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: UBC’s Non-Indigenous Scholars and the Politics of Engaging Indigeneity
Closing Plenary: UBC Indigenous Initiatives
Chair: Handel Wright
Presenters: Anna Kindler – Vice Provost, Academic & Linc Kesler – Senior Advisor to President on Aboriginal Affairs.
Watch: We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: Panel 3 – Education
We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: UBC’s Non-Indigenous Scholars and the Politics of Engaging Indigeneity
Panel 3: Education
Chair: Gerald Fallon
Presenters: Cynthia Nicol (Curriculum and Pedagogy), Jeannie Kerr (Educational Studies), and Cash Ahenakew (Educational Studies)
Watch: We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: Panel 2 – Community Engagement
We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: UBC’s Non-Indigenous Scholars and the Politics of Engaging Indigeneity
Panel 2: Community Engagement
Chair: Hartej Gill
Presenters: Leonie Sandercock (Community and Regional Planning), Alden Habacon (Intercultural Understanding), Amy Perreault, Hanae Tsukada, Sarah Ling (Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology) & Candis Callison (Journalism).
Watch: We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: Panel 1 – The Humanities
We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: UBC’s Non-Indigenous Scholars and the Politics of Engaging Indigeneity
Panel 1: The Humanities
Chair: Gerald Fallon
Presenters: Paige Raibmon (History),Margery Fee (English), Henry Davis (Linguistics Department) & Jan Hare (Language and Literacy in Education).
Watch: We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: Welcome remarks & Opening Plenary Panel
We Too Are “ IDLE NO MORE”: UBC’s Non-Indigenous Scholars and the Politics of Engaging Indigeneity
Welcome: Elder Larry Grant.
Opening Plenary Panel: Blye Frank, Dean of Education, and Jo-ann Archibald, Associate Dean of Indigenous Education.
Indigenous Praxis and World Majority Peoples’ Identity Politics
We Own Ourselves: The Role of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Self-Definition and Self-Determination in Indigenous Justice
Introduction by Handel Wright, Linc Kesler, and Sunera Thobani
Panel Discussion by Rain Daniels, Dorothy Christian, and Charles Menzies.
Watch: “More Enviromentalisms”
“More” Environmentalisms
Daniel Vokey (Chair, EDST, Fac. Of Ed Environmentalism Caucus); Jody Berland (York University, Humanities); Maraym Nabavi (EDST); Don Krug (CUST)
Indigenous Knowledges and the Environment Symposium
November 23, 2007
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Ponderosa Centre, Arbutus & Dogwood Room
Watch: “Shifting Tides: Indigenous Responses to Climate Change “
Shifting Tides: Indigenous Responses to Global Climate Change
Stephanie Peter (PPP, Chair); Larry Grant (Musqueam Elder and UBC Prof); Shaunna Morgan (Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources); Mona Belleau (Inuk youth); Arona Ngari (Director‐Cook Islands Meterological Services); Imogen Ingram (Secretary‐Koutu Nui), and Tekeu Framhein (Vice President‐Koutu Nui)
Indigenous Knowledges and the Environment Symposium
November 23, 2007
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. | Ponderosa Centre, Arbutus & Dogwood Room