Disputed Monuments, Honorees, and Symbols on Campus

Disputed Monuments, Honorees, and Symbols on Campus

Thursday, February 10, 2022 1:00 – 2:00 pm PST  |  4:00 – 5:00 pm EST   Event Description: Since 2015, students, faculty, and staff have openly expressed their displeasure with controversial memorials on campus. In South Africa student defacement of the statue of Cecil Rhodes at University of Cape Town sparked the national “Fallist” (#Rhodes […]

Cultural Studies as Praxis by Dr. Handel Wright, an H.M. Tory Chair in Cultural Studies Invited Lecture Presentation 

Cultural Studies as Praxis by Dr. Handel Wright, an H.M. Tory Chair in Cultural Studies Invited Lecture Presentation 

In this lecture, entitled “Cultural Studies as Praxis,” Dr. Handel Wright ‘takes cultural studies personally’, drawing on experience, identity and the personal to indicate how and why the author is proponent of and is working on developing a model of cultural studies as social justice praxis despite the constraints academia in general and of the university as an institution in particular. While this account acts in its own way as an argument for conceptualizing cultural studies as praxis, the primary focus is more modestly on my own autobiographical account as a specific case. In fact, an autobiographical approach is employed precisely to be specific and in the attempt to avoid the pitfalls of over generalization and the authority of authenticity.