Video: Putting Black British Columbia History to Work, Prof. Handel Wright
Black History Month event on February 7, 2021 hosted by BC Black History Awareness Society. Guest Speaker: Prof. Handel Kashope Wright, Director, Centre for Culture, Identity & Education, UBC.
The Urgency of Black Studies and the Insufficiency of Anti-Racism
Professor Handel Kashope Wright delivers the keynote at the Virtual Symposium: Activism and Solidarity Post-Script to the “Scholar Strike Canada” on October 29, 2020. Keynote Title: “The Urgency of Black Studies and the Insufficiency of Anti-Racism”.
The Other Side of The Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope
The Cambridge Centre for Palestine Studies is inviting you to participate in a discussion on Revd. Dr. Munther Isaac’s most recent book: The Other Side of The Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope.